Sunday, September 23, 2007

Voice of Silence

Yom Kippur begins tomorrow night at sundown. We will end Yom Kippur on Saturday night by hearing a long piercing blast of the shofar (ram's horn).

Here is a brief meditation by Rabbi Stephan Parnes:

The ancient voice calls:
Awake- and know fear!
Choose! Decide!
Which road will you travel this year?
But today- Shabbat-
the Shofar's voice is not heard.

In this silence, in this stillness,
Where is God?
Is silence God's absence?
Or is it a call to respond?

Shema Israel- Hear now O Israel-
The sound of silence-
The sound that pierces the strongest armor.

The voice of the shofar
Helped bring down Jericho's walls,
But silence can shatter
the strongest walls
The walls we build around ourselves.

Shema Israel- Hear now O Israel-
the sound of silence
The crushing, deafening, sound of silence-
And choose life.

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